© Golf Road Community Centre 2021 - Registered Charity Number 1163274
28 Golf Road, Deal, Kent. CT14 6PY
Golf Road Get-Together
Thursday Evenings
Every Thursday evening The Golf Road Community Centre host "The Golf Road Get-Together". This is where we come together to meet old friends and new, and participate in a variety of exciting, informative social events.​ We offer music, quizzes, talks and dancing - something different every week. Admission is only £6 - and we are now able to take card payments.​
More information about activities can be found on our Facebook page - we look forward to seeing you there!

Ode to the
Get-Together Club
Way back last mid-September
Golf Road Get Together was started
On Thursdays at 7, the centre was open
So from our TVs we were parted..
Pat and Steve came along to kick off the first one
With singing from their garden bench
And nibbles and drinks were provided
For our appetite and thirst to quench
The Kellet Gut Shantymen entertained more than once
Their voices a harmonious team
As they sang sailor’s songs and sea shanties
All based on a nautical theme
We’ve had Chris Hobbs-East’s chat on Deal Market
And before that, he and his Dad
Gave a talk on their civic life, maces and all
And we all tried to lift them a tad
Along came Margate’s Town Sergeant
Cliff To show off his large hat collection
From bowlers to busbies, and trilbies and tricorns
And helmets of every description
We’ve had talks on the Commonwealth War Graves
Raising cannons and Boxing Day dips
And even one cold winter’s evening
We had Fryer Tuck’s fish and chips!
We had Konrad and friends and his
Open Mic night With singing and playing guitar
They all sang divine, (aided by the red wine)
And we called out ‘Encore’ and ‘Hurrah’
We’ve had a few talks on our history
Coastal Smuggling and Maison Dieu Dover
And not forgetting the Lifeboat crews
Who risk their lives over and over..
As Christmas approached came the Rock Choir
To give us a real festive treat
And we all sang along, with their choice of song
With clapping and tapping of feet
The great Camerados guy,
Maff Who lost all his gear on the train
But nevertheless entertained us
And left thoughts of ‘Be Kind’ in our brain..
A talk on Deal’s Timeball Tower
From Kevin, sadly no longer here
But whose enthusiasm and knowledge
Still lives on, in his voice, in your ear
And what when the Drum Corps came drumming
And asked us to all have a go?
And WHO posted our efforts on Facebook
Where rhythm and beat failed to show?
On nights when there wasn’t a speaker
Out came the balls so we could play
Bingo 2 little ducks, Kelly’s eye for a line or a house
As we all got to grips with the lingo!
The Jubilee party was much enjoyed
Food and drink and a royalty quiz
To mark the platinum milestone 70 years on the throne -
Well Done Liz!
So I’d just like to say many thanks to you all
In case there’s any I’ve forgotten to mention
Oops- and the Ukulele group
Apologies- not my intention…
To those who’ve helped make this successful
We appreciate the work that you do
From food and wine buying and preparing a quiz
Then cleaning and washing up too.. And so, from humble beginnings
This is where my little ode ends
From strangers who met round a table
To people we now call our friends…